isnt this sasd. ive updated twice in about 9 hours. oh well. im so tired. and theres not much going on. except for me wanting to watch Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy again. which btw is now at the dollar movies. HELL YEAH! and im almost for sure that i get to go watch System on august 13. its on the first or second saturday after school starts. cause theyre coming here but on a thursday. so im gonna go give Houston anothervisit. actually Galveston or Corpus Christi. but o well. ill makw it there. but dont mention anything in front of my people. cause im going without them knowing. at least hopefully. *sigh. lifes fun but confusing and not fun all at the same time. what fun. o well. making the best of it. hopefully gonna go to the movies today.
P.S. everything is overrated.